The End of Klauss' Kush

I apologize again for the lack of posts. I have been talking to a friend here about blogging and how serious I want to get, and we have decided that Klauss' Kush will be absorbed into which is a more tech oriented blog that gets thousands of hits a day. I will be writing for them now and hopefully be able to get my blogging rep up with the large numbers of readers. I'm sorry to those that were a fan of the Kush, and I promise that the topic of my posts will not change. Also if you want some of that real Klauss' Kush hit me up at Lehigh and have a great time.

Just went to the broadhead caf and made a buffalo chicken sandwich with fries, slice of cheese, bacon, ranch, lettuce and onion and it tastes phenomenal. Especially with this gatorade and vodka and vaporized green treats.

Living Root Bridges

Deep in the forests of northeastern India are the incredible root bridges of Cherrapunji. These bridges are constructed by training the roots of the Ficus elastica tree to span large distances over rivers and rocks. This species of tree must be very similar to the trees that are used in Pooktre Tree shaping which I posted about earlier. This would be an incredible sight to see:

You can read more about them HERE.

t-ing b's!

Advertising These Days

Here is MSI's ad for their new ultra-thin laptops:

Wow, I can't really tell if this is real or not. If it is, I cannot think of a non-homosexual situation where this guy discovered that he possesses the strongest and largest buttcrack in the world. And if it is fake, then who in gods name would come up with such a ridiculous marketing ploy.

Bullet Vs. Wall

Here is an amazing slow motion animated .gif file showing a bullet colliding with a concrete wall. One of the coolest photos ive seen in a while. I'm back to posting daily and I will explain my absence from the blog tomorrow.

I'm Back!

What the fuck is on that dogs ears?

Harry Potter Rap Battle

This is actually pretty funny. If you know the Harry Potter lore than you will definitely enjoy it.

Ink Calender

A Spanish designer by the name of Oscar Diaz created this ink calender which uses the capillary action of the ink to spread through the calenders numbers and display the date. Every day, the current date on the calender is slowly filled with the color of the ink. Each month of the year has a different color ink that relates to the average temperatures of that month. This is really an ingenious idea. As the day progresses you can see how much of the number is filled to get an approximation of the time. Cool beans

Maddox and Tucker Max

The two purest forms of man, Tucker Max and Maddox, both put out books, and dear lord are they amazing. They have been the reason I have survived work this week, as I am now in the middle of Maddox's The Alphabet of Manliness after completing Tucker Max's I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell.

Honestly I may have ruptured my spleen from laughing too much in the last 4 days. Some memorable quotes:

"Two girls called me closed minded. I tell them that they are so open-minded their brains leaked out." -TM

*At a halloween party where he wraps his pelvic area in a bow and writes, "God's gift to women*
Every girl asked me, "What makes you god's gift to women?" Some answers:
"13 inches. Who ever thought it could be too big?"
"I have 20 million dollars and terminal cancer."
"I like to listen."
"I'm a convicted sex offender."
"Have you this face? Look at how hot I am!"
"I like to cut up hookers."
"Bend over and I'll show you."

Quickly name two famous women inventors. Too hard? Okay, name one. How about a famous invention made by a woman? Give up? That's because there are none. Men invented everything.

You can download Tucker Max's book HERE and Maddox's HERE.

Even if you have read the Tucker Max one download it because there is a 350 page bonus section that wasn't in the book with all new stories.

I Could Wreak Havoc With This

This is the EcoBlast rechargeable air horn. Usually air horns are purchased and then disposed once the pressure inside the can dwindles to low to produce an effective honk. Not with this baby. Just give it some pumps and you are back to terrorizing people with its ridiculously loud blasts.

The air-horn puts out a teeth-rattling 115dB of honk, and is good for 70 blasts before a recharge is needed. I am currently day dreaming about being shit housed and patrolling around Lehigh's campus ruining people's day with this. aka busting their eardrums

You can purchase the EcoBlast HERE

Hypospadias And You: An In-Depth Study Of Bong Dick

Drew Magary, my favorite blogger and author of the Balls Deep Message to the Class of '09, just published a new post on Hypospadias. He writes in a hilarious way that is very similar to Maddox's. Hypospadias, or "Bong Dick" as Drew calls it, is a deformation in the penis at birth where the urethra exits the penis on the underside of the dick. You can read this hilarious Balls Deep study HERE.