Harry Potter Rap Battle

This is actually pretty funny. If you know the Harry Potter lore than you will definitely enjoy it.

Ink Calender

A Spanish designer by the name of Oscar Diaz created this ink calender which uses the capillary action of the ink to spread through the calenders numbers and display the date. Every day, the current date on the calender is slowly filled with the color of the ink. Each month of the year has a different color ink that relates to the average temperatures of that month. This is really an ingenious idea. As the day progresses you can see how much of the number is filled to get an approximation of the time. Cool beans

Maddox and Tucker Max

The two purest forms of man, Tucker Max and Maddox, both put out books, and dear lord are they amazing. They have been the reason I have survived work this week, as I am now in the middle of Maddox's The Alphabet of Manliness after completing Tucker Max's I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell.

Honestly I may have ruptured my spleen from laughing too much in the last 4 days. Some memorable quotes:

"Two girls called me closed minded. I tell them that they are so open-minded their brains leaked out." -TM

*At a halloween party where he wraps his pelvic area in a bow and writes, "God's gift to women*
Every girl asked me, "What makes you god's gift to women?" Some answers:
"13 inches. Who ever thought it could be too big?"
"I have 20 million dollars and terminal cancer."
"I like to listen."
"I'm a convicted sex offender."
"Have you this face? Look at how hot I am!"
"I like to cut up hookers."
"Bend over and I'll show you."

Quickly name two famous women inventors. Too hard? Okay, name one. How about a famous invention made by a woman? Give up? That's because there are none. Men invented everything.

You can download Tucker Max's book HERE and Maddox's HERE.

Even if you have read the Tucker Max one download it because there is a 350 page bonus section that wasn't in the book with all new stories.

I Could Wreak Havoc With This

This is the EcoBlast rechargeable air horn. Usually air horns are purchased and then disposed once the pressure inside the can dwindles to low to produce an effective honk. Not with this baby. Just give it some pumps and you are back to terrorizing people with its ridiculously loud blasts.

The air-horn puts out a teeth-rattling 115dB of honk, and is good for 70 blasts before a recharge is needed. I am currently day dreaming about being shit housed and patrolling around Lehigh's campus ruining people's day with this. aka busting their eardrums

You can purchase the EcoBlast HERE

Hypospadias And You: An In-Depth Study Of Bong Dick

Drew Magary, my favorite blogger and author of the Balls Deep Message to the Class of '09, just published a new post on Hypospadias. He writes in a hilarious way that is very similar to Maddox's. Hypospadias, or "Bong Dick" as Drew calls it, is a deformation in the penis at birth where the urethra exits the penis on the underside of the dick. You can read this hilarious Balls Deep study HERE.

There is No Such Thing as Too Soon

Oh man this is great:

Defiantly a win and not a fail.

Terrifying Surgical Gadgets of the Past

SurgicalTechnologists.net recently had a new post titled "20 Scary Old School Surgical Tools," and oh god are they scary! Reading every description of what the tool was used for made me cringe at the horrors of imagining it being used on me. Holy shit just typing this is giving me the shivers! Here are some of the crazier ones:
Tonsil Guillotine (1860s)
This method of removing tonsils worked much like a traditional guillotine, slicing off the infected tonsils. This "double guillotine" design meant that both tonsils could be removed at the same time. Tonsil guillotines were replaced by forceps and scalpels in the early 20th century due to the high rate of hemorrhaging and the imprecise nature of the device, which often left tonsil remnants in the mouth.
Trephine (1800s)
This trephine was a hand-powered drill with a cylindrical blade that was used to bore into the skull. The spike in the center was used to start the procedure and to hold the blade in place while cutting.
Hemorrhoid Forceps (1800s)
These forceps were used to grasp a hemorrhoid between the blades and apply pressure to stop the blood supply, causing the hemorrhoid to drop off.

You can see the whole post HERE.

Which One is the Android???

Boing Boing Gadgets recently posted the cover from the Christian Science Monitor which is quite fascinating. I glanced back and forth and finally made my decision off of the eyes. The one on the left is staring blankly downwards while the one on the right is making eye contact with the other one, so my guess is that the one on the left is the robot. What if they both were, or they were both humans! Its amazing how far our roboticists and artificial intelligence technology have come. These seemingly ridiculous movies like i Robot and others could be what our future is actually like.

One of the Best FAILs I've Seen in a While

You can check out the FAIL blog HERE

You Just Have the Watch from :00 to :55

I was laughing out loud really hard

The Bare Essentials to Flying with Air New Zealand

I am ashamed to say that I didn't get this video the first time that I watched it. It's staring you in the face the entire time. This is the pre-lift off video that is played on the Planes of New Zealand Air, and they add quite a bit of humor to it in the form of one joke that is hard to catch. See if you can catch on to it.

Node, The Power Outlet of Tomorrow

This new concept, innovated by an Asian designer that I couldn't find the name of, is the outlet of the future. It allows as many plugs as you can fit to be inserted into the wall, and it acts as a surge protector with an on off switch being in the middle of the wall socket. Very cool stuff.

You can see more HERE, albeit it is in some Asian language.