A Post. I Can't Think of a Title

Man I was so excited for summer when it hadn't started. Was looking forward to doing so much, and now that I've been home for a bit I just want to go back to school. The only positives about being home so far is the money from work and the lack of classes. School was infinitely better.

I am probably just saying this because I had a shitty weekend. Here's to hoping the summer turns out better than so far. And it needs to go faster man cause I want to get back to Lehigh!!!

Here is a tits video that I found online that really makes you think about life. This really reminded me the insignificance of so many things that we take so seriously, and how we have a whole life ahead of us. Were still so fucking young and that scares me cause I feel like I have experienced all there is, and I know that is 100% wrong. Hell I don't even think we will live an entire life. Somehow we are going to doom ourselves. I'll post about how hopeless we are as a whole species some other time, cause I can rant forever on that. Back to that movie. Here it is:

Last Day Dream [HD] from Chris Milk on Vimeo.

An unrelated footnote: I still cannot stop listening to KiD CuDi. The best sing along music ever...

"I be posted with my blunt and a brew my dude,
I’m that man on the moon"


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