The End of Klauss' Kush

I apologize again for the lack of posts. I have been talking to a friend here about blogging and how serious I want to get, and we have decided that Klauss' Kush will be absorbed into which is a more tech oriented blog that gets thousands of hits a day. I will be writing for them now and hopefully be able to get my blogging rep up with the large numbers of readers. I'm sorry to those that were a fan of the Kush, and I promise that the topic of my posts will not change. Also if you want some of that real Klauss' Kush hit me up at Lehigh and have a great time.

Just went to the broadhead caf and made a buffalo chicken sandwich with fries, slice of cheese, bacon, ranch, lettuce and onion and it tastes phenomenal. Especially with this gatorade and vodka and vaporized green treats.

Living Root Bridges

Deep in the forests of northeastern India are the incredible root bridges of Cherrapunji. These bridges are constructed by training the roots of the Ficus elastica tree to span large distances over rivers and rocks. This species of tree must be very similar to the trees that are used in Pooktre Tree shaping which I posted about earlier. This would be an incredible sight to see:

You can read more about them HERE.

t-ing b's!

Advertising These Days

Here is MSI's ad for their new ultra-thin laptops:

Wow, I can't really tell if this is real or not. If it is, I cannot think of a non-homosexual situation where this guy discovered that he possesses the strongest and largest buttcrack in the world. And if it is fake, then who in gods name would come up with such a ridiculous marketing ploy.

Bullet Vs. Wall

Here is an amazing slow motion animated .gif file showing a bullet colliding with a concrete wall. One of the coolest photos ive seen in a while. I'm back to posting daily and I will explain my absence from the blog tomorrow.

I'm Back!

What the fuck is on that dogs ears?

Harry Potter Rap Battle

This is actually pretty funny. If you know the Harry Potter lore than you will definitely enjoy it.

Ink Calender

A Spanish designer by the name of Oscar Diaz created this ink calender which uses the capillary action of the ink to spread through the calenders numbers and display the date. Every day, the current date on the calender is slowly filled with the color of the ink. Each month of the year has a different color ink that relates to the average temperatures of that month. This is really an ingenious idea. As the day progresses you can see how much of the number is filled to get an approximation of the time. Cool beans

Maddox and Tucker Max

The two purest forms of man, Tucker Max and Maddox, both put out books, and dear lord are they amazing. They have been the reason I have survived work this week, as I am now in the middle of Maddox's The Alphabet of Manliness after completing Tucker Max's I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell.

Honestly I may have ruptured my spleen from laughing too much in the last 4 days. Some memorable quotes:

"Two girls called me closed minded. I tell them that they are so open-minded their brains leaked out." -TM

*At a halloween party where he wraps his pelvic area in a bow and writes, "God's gift to women*
Every girl asked me, "What makes you god's gift to women?" Some answers:
"13 inches. Who ever thought it could be too big?"
"I have 20 million dollars and terminal cancer."
"I like to listen."
"I'm a convicted sex offender."
"Have you this face? Look at how hot I am!"
"I like to cut up hookers."
"Bend over and I'll show you."

Quickly name two famous women inventors. Too hard? Okay, name one. How about a famous invention made by a woman? Give up? That's because there are none. Men invented everything.

You can download Tucker Max's book HERE and Maddox's HERE.

Even if you have read the Tucker Max one download it because there is a 350 page bonus section that wasn't in the book with all new stories.

I Could Wreak Havoc With This

This is the EcoBlast rechargeable air horn. Usually air horns are purchased and then disposed once the pressure inside the can dwindles to low to produce an effective honk. Not with this baby. Just give it some pumps and you are back to terrorizing people with its ridiculously loud blasts.

The air-horn puts out a teeth-rattling 115dB of honk, and is good for 70 blasts before a recharge is needed. I am currently day dreaming about being shit housed and patrolling around Lehigh's campus ruining people's day with this. aka busting their eardrums

You can purchase the EcoBlast HERE

Hypospadias And You: An In-Depth Study Of Bong Dick

Drew Magary, my favorite blogger and author of the Balls Deep Message to the Class of '09, just published a new post on Hypospadias. He writes in a hilarious way that is very similar to Maddox's. Hypospadias, or "Bong Dick" as Drew calls it, is a deformation in the penis at birth where the urethra exits the penis on the underside of the dick. You can read this hilarious Balls Deep study HERE.

There is No Such Thing as Too Soon

Oh man this is great:

Defiantly a win and not a fail.

Terrifying Surgical Gadgets of the Past recently had a new post titled "20 Scary Old School Surgical Tools," and oh god are they scary! Reading every description of what the tool was used for made me cringe at the horrors of imagining it being used on me. Holy shit just typing this is giving me the shivers! Here are some of the crazier ones:
Tonsil Guillotine (1860s)
This method of removing tonsils worked much like a traditional guillotine, slicing off the infected tonsils. This "double guillotine" design meant that both tonsils could be removed at the same time. Tonsil guillotines were replaced by forceps and scalpels in the early 20th century due to the high rate of hemorrhaging and the imprecise nature of the device, which often left tonsil remnants in the mouth.
Trephine (1800s)
This trephine was a hand-powered drill with a cylindrical blade that was used to bore into the skull. The spike in the center was used to start the procedure and to hold the blade in place while cutting.
Hemorrhoid Forceps (1800s)
These forceps were used to grasp a hemorrhoid between the blades and apply pressure to stop the blood supply, causing the hemorrhoid to drop off.

You can see the whole post HERE.

Which One is the Android???

Boing Boing Gadgets recently posted the cover from the Christian Science Monitor which is quite fascinating. I glanced back and forth and finally made my decision off of the eyes. The one on the left is staring blankly downwards while the one on the right is making eye contact with the other one, so my guess is that the one on the left is the robot. What if they both were, or they were both humans! Its amazing how far our roboticists and artificial intelligence technology have come. These seemingly ridiculous movies like i Robot and others could be what our future is actually like.

One of the Best FAILs I've Seen in a While

You can check out the FAIL blog HERE

You Just Have the Watch from :00 to :55

I was laughing out loud really hard

The Bare Essentials to Flying with Air New Zealand

I am ashamed to say that I didn't get this video the first time that I watched it. It's staring you in the face the entire time. This is the pre-lift off video that is played on the Planes of New Zealand Air, and they add quite a bit of humor to it in the form of one joke that is hard to catch. See if you can catch on to it.

Node, The Power Outlet of Tomorrow

This new concept, innovated by an Asian designer that I couldn't find the name of, is the outlet of the future. It allows as many plugs as you can fit to be inserted into the wall, and it acts as a surge protector with an on off switch being in the middle of the wall socket. Very cool stuff.

You can see more HERE, albeit it is in some Asian language.

Insane Trick Stots

Vector Effect

This is one of the best flash games that I have played in a while. Its made to be a flash version of the xbox 360 game titled Geometry Wars. I've been playing it all day at work.

Click on the picture or HERE to play

Back 2 Buisness - Buzz Aldrin is so Gangsta!

Sorry for the lack of posts in the last week. I was in Iowa visiting my father's side of the family learning to ride a dirt bike (the most fun thing ever. hands down), fishing, and drinking responsibly and maturely which is no where near as fun as binge drinking. All in all it was a nice week off but I'm glad to be back home. Work still blows though!

I'll try and do a couple of posts for the first few days this week to make up for my absence.

Here is a behind the scenes movie about the recording of Buzz Aldrin's debut into the hip hop world. Yes, the Buzz Aldrin that you are thinking of.

Nothing can beat Snoop D-O-Double-G saying "Buzz Aldrin is so Gangsta!"

Kid Cudi - Excuse My Mood Freestyle

Cudi released this freestyle over twitter earlier this week. It's pretty short but I really like it.

Check it out HERE

Excuse my mood my nigga but i feel a bit Decepticon,
Revenge is sweet after years of getting shitted on.

Magnetic Floating Bed

Dutch architects have crafted this futuristic bed which hovers above the ground through a strong magnetic field being produced underneath it. It is a pretty cool looking piece of furniture, but sadly the entire thing costs $1.54 million. Pretty affordable.

They say that its fine for people with piercings to use the bed, but they recommend not to stick anything in the magnetic field between the ground and the bed. I could imagine someone with a piece of metal in their leg like me accidentally getting their leg stuck in the field and getting owned. Not fun I bet. Its a cool concept though!

Great Short Film

Oceansize from Oceansize Team on Vimeo.

It's a foreign and about 10 minutes, but if you have time the animation is quite impressive and its got an interesting storyline.

Girl Wins State Title By Herself, For a Second Time

Bonnie Richardson grew up in a small Texan town of around 600 people. Her graduating class has 14 kids in it, and she is now the first person to achieve back-to-back team state championships...... by herself. I'm not sure what Group in NJ is equivalent to Class A in Texas, but even if it is the smallest this is quite the impressive feat.

Richardson captured first in the long jump (17-04.50), second in the discus (126-09) and first in the high jump (5-8) on Friday for a total of 28 points. Returning to Myers Stadium on the campus of the University of Texas on Saturday, Richardson placed third in the 200 (25.78) and fourth in the 100 (12.51) for a two-day total of 38 points – two points better than second-place Cayuga in Class A.

She will be attending Texas A&M.

Read the full story HERE

Dear Lord This is the Greatest Invention Ever

MonkeyLectric Bike Wheel Lights

Dan Goldwater, a MIT graduate/entrepreneur created his company called MonkeyLectric to mass produce his Bike Wheel Spoke Light array that he envisioned during his time in school. This heavy duty circuit board that is attached to the spokes of your bike and creates patterns with the 16 LED lights that are attached to each side. The results are surprisingly amazing! You can program light patterns and colors using the on-board controls to produce hundreds of different combinations:

Not only are these a great way to pimp out your bike to a ridiculous measure, but they are so bright that they act as lights so that you can easily be spotted at night while riding. Cool Shit. And its only 60 bucks.

If you want you can shell out around $2000 and get their new Video Pro m464q high end bike wheel display which produces some amazing images on your wheels:

Pooktre Tree Shaping

An Australian man by the name of Peter Cook has recently become an internet phenomenon due to his skills in the rare art of tree shaping. Him and his partner, Becky Northey, have created a new method for tree shaping that they call Pooktre Tree Shaping, and its results are stunning:
You can check out the rest of their work on their website's gallery HERE. That chair is one of the coolest things I have seen in a while.

The Bandwidth of a Dick

1. The human cell contains 75 MB of genetic information
2. A sperm 37.5 MB.
3. In a milliliter, we have 100 million sperms.
4. On average, one ejaculation releases 2.25 ml in 5 seconds.
Using basic math we can compute the bandwidth of the human male penis as:
(37.5MB x 100M x 2.25)/5 = (37,500,000 bytes/sperm x 100,000,000 sperm/ml x 2.25 ml) / 5 seconds = 1,687,500,000,000,000 bytes/sec = 1,687.5 TeraBytes/sec

I am getting 15 Mb/s at home from Verizon. The human body is the most ridiculous system ever. We have a long way to go in the field of data storage and delivery. All we have to do is find out how to store data in a sperm and then we can pump semen around the world. It will be the new FiOS!

Saddam Hussein's Gun Collection

9 Photos from an unknown origin were recently posted on Flickr showing some magnificent firearms that had been owned by Saddam Hussein during his regime over Iraq. The poster claims that the images have been circulating around the Arab world for a while now. Saddam lived the life before he was caught. He had an entire country's worth of money to spend on himself and boy did he spend a lot. He purchased everything from these extremely expensive Golden Guns, to his 34 million dollar yacht. Check out all of the pictures of these fancy weapons HERE.

The Hand in Hand Clock

Designer Johan Bisse Mattsson recently released his latest creation which he calls the Hand in Hand Clock. The pivots of each hand are placed at the end of the next larger one. Initially you have to think for a bit to get the actual time from it, but eventually it becomes intuitive. I really like things like this that are peculiar yet useful.

The clock reads around 3:50 in this screenshot

You can check out the Flash version of the clock HERE.

Hey, Cameron. You realize if we played by the rules right now we'd be in gym?

Everyone has seen Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Definitely one of my favorite comedies ever, and it was made in 1986 which proves its great longevity. Remember Cameron's beautiful house? Here is how Ferris described it:

"The place is like a museum. It's very beautiful and very cold, and you're not allowed to touch anything."
Well that house is actually named the Ben Rose Home, located in Highland Park, IL, and it has just been put on the market. The price requested is a measly $2.3 Million. You can check out more pictures and info HERE on

Don't drive a Ferrari out of the window!

A Post. I Can't Think of a Title

Man I was so excited for summer when it hadn't started. Was looking forward to doing so much, and now that I've been home for a bit I just want to go back to school. The only positives about being home so far is the money from work and the lack of classes. School was infinitely better.

I am probably just saying this because I had a shitty weekend. Here's to hoping the summer turns out better than so far. And it needs to go faster man cause I want to get back to Lehigh!!!

Here is a tits video that I found online that really makes you think about life. This really reminded me the insignificance of so many things that we take so seriously, and how we have a whole life ahead of us. Were still so fucking young and that scares me cause I feel like I have experienced all there is, and I know that is 100% wrong. Hell I don't even think we will live an entire life. Somehow we are going to doom ourselves. I'll post about how hopeless we are as a whole species some other time, cause I can rant forever on that. Back to that movie. Here it is:

Last Day Dream [HD] from Chris Milk on Vimeo.

An unrelated footnote: I still cannot stop listening to KiD CuDi. The best sing along music ever...

"I be posted with my blunt and a brew my dude,
I’m that man on the moon"

A History of Weed

This clip brought to you by Showtime's Weeds which begins its 5th season on June 8th

Ridiculous Beatboxer - How Does She Make Half of These Noises???

Fascinating Photography From NASA

There is a branch of NASA called The Earth Observatory whose goal is to inform the public with pictures, videos and stories of NASA's diverse and interesting work. Some of the data that they provide seems a bit useless, but every so often you can find a great story, or some stunning photographs that have been taken from satellites in space. Here are a couple of examples:

Crop circles in southwester Kansas. Each small field is half a mile wide and each large field a mile. The circles are created by the central pivot irrigation system which is the most efficient method of irrigation for preserving the Ogallala Aquifer which lies beneath our country's Great Plains.

A steam plume rises up from the Shiveluch Volcano on Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula. You can also see the brown ash that was blown to the right of the volcano.

Music and TV Update

Eminem - Relapse: This album is technically being released today, but I found it online about a week and a half ago, and it is dope! I never really listened to Eminem's music, mainly because I never was truly introduced to him, but I recently downloaded his discography and Relapse definately trumps his other albums. The beats are done exclusivly by The Dr. Dre except for one song, and Eminem kills all of the raps. My current favorite songs are: Hello, Old Times Sake, and Medicine Ball

Def 3 and Factor - Drumbo: I came across this album by chance when I clicked the wrong link while reading some hip hop blog. Both of the artists that collaborated for Drumbo were no names to me, but the clip of the one song that I heard had a really catchy beat and some nice vocals to go along with it. It has beats that are similar to those of Blu, but they don't seem as chopped up, and the vocals blend really well with the beats. My favorite tracks include: Stutter Step, Take Me Higher, and Speed Demon.
You can download this album HERE

Basically Fringe is the best show on TV right now. The season just ended with a weird cliff hanger that makes me a little worried about the future of the show, but that was one of the best TV seasons I have seen since Heroes season 1. I'm hoping that they can keep the show grounded in realism after what happened now because that was one of my favorite parts of the show. JJ Abrams has revolutionized TV with his storytelling techniques.

Also Eastbound and Down is a great show that not that many people have heard of. It airs on HBO, and its six episode first season ended a month or two ago. The show starts Will Ferrel, Danny McBride, and Craig Robinson (Darrel from the Office), and its extreme vulgarity and ridiculousness make it one of my favorites in our currently airing comedies.

PS (NBC has Thursday nights set right now. The Office, 30 Rock, and Parks and Recreation are all great shows.)

Check out all of this stuff and tell me what you think!

Stunning Photo of Space Shuttle Atlantis and Hubble Telescope

Amateur astronomer Thierry Legault recently captured a beautiful scene of the Space Shuttle Atlantis and the Hubble Space Telescope in front of the Sun during NASA's recent difficult Hubble repairs. This photo, taken approximately 100 km south of the Kennedy Space Center was one of three that were captured within the .8 s that the objects were in the the sunlight's path.

Part of the Complete Photo

HERE is an interesting read on the sheer difficulty of the repairs, and HERE are the uncropped photos on Thierry Legault's web page

I'll be posting an update on the music, tv, and movies that I have been enjoying lately if I can get the time at work tomorrow. I was swamped with shit today and it was really freaking complicated.

Deadspin's Ball's Deep Message to the Class of '09

Deadspin, an unbiased, vulgar sports blog, recently published a graduation "speech" directed towards the graduating class of 2009. I was told to check it out by a friend, and it was definitely one of the best reads that I have had online in a while. The writer, Drew Magary, goes on to explain how all of our lives will be utterly terrible now that they have graduated college. It is the most cynical and awesome view on the world that I have ever seen. I loved it. Here are some great quotes:

"At some point, you will not be able to sleep in past 8 or 9AM, and this will piss you off. I used to be cool. I used to be able to sleep until noon no problem. I SPAT RIGHT IN MORNING'S FUCKING EYE. No waking up at dawn for me. Waking up early is crazy gay. Am I right?"

"You will find yourself, at times, tired of drinking. But you will continue drinking anyway. Beats the alternative, which is NOT drinking."

"Having a kid is just like having a really mean spinning instructor. They give no fucking quarter. They're like tiny little Hitlers."

This completely legitimizes all reckless activity that I will partake in for the next 3 years.

Definitely check it out HERE

My Bad

I've been in a summer daze for the last week. I have barely been on my computer because I have been out and about or sleeping at home. Also, I just installed Windows 7 which has been a great step up from XP, but it has kept me from my normal blog reading, Hulu watching, and video game playing. Oh and most importantly blog posting....... I start work next week, so I will be at a computer all day and therefore posting daily. And now to get back on track.

Every kid goes through their "phases" that can last from a day to months where they are obsessed with only one thing and that is all that they can thik about. My brother has been trying to learn to ride a unicycle in the last week, which is pretty difficult to learn, and that has been the focus of this "phase." My my dad changed my brothers "phase" today by sending him this animated GIF picture of a guy doing the colest trick ever. On a medicine ball. Check it 0ut:

The Hangover

Pretty awesome looking movie coming out June 5th.

Heartwarming Video That Will Make You Smile

This video is a cover of "Stand By Me" being performed by various street artists from around the world. It starts as a simple street performance by one person, but you are slowly taken around the world as the song builds into a magnificent version of this popular song. This is just a happy movie to watch

Playing For Change | Song Around The World "Stand By Me" from Concord Music Group on Vimeo.

Windows 7 RC1 Wallpapers

Microsoft recently released Windows 7 RC1 build 7100, and with it they included a bunch of new high resolution wallpapers that get pretty ridiculous. Some get pretty trippy and others are the normal majestic landscape photos. Check out the entire collection on Twitter HERE.


Miscellaneous Animations and Videos

Over the last few weeks I have been collecting a bunch of videos and animations that I have found out in the cloud of the interweb. I definitely recommend watching these d. My favorite is the Phillips Carousel Commercial. It's conclusion is just mind boggling. Tell me what you tinnk of them.

Onwards from AKQA on Vimeo.

subprime from beeple on Vimeo.

Kid Cudi and Ratatat Concert

Wednesday night I had the privilege to go see Ratatat and KiD CuDi live at Terminal 5 in Manhattan. Definately the most sober I have ever been for a concert (primarily cause I am still on crutches), but still an awesome concert.

We first visited Max and Zain from Homey Hoepwell at NYU and boy do they smoke a lot! They said that they filled up two utz pretzle barrles with the greens! Thats a shit ton. It was cool to see the differences between a city school and a school like Lehigh. When I was making my college selection, I didnt even take that into account really, but it is really important in determining the environment of the school. It seemed that the majority of the NYU population are gung ho students who wear a shit ton of european clothes. But Zain and Max definately found a good group of friends there.

KiD CuDi was definately the highlight of the night. He did a great mix of songs from his old mixtape and his new releases, and he flowed really well live. My favorite song was definaltely Down and Out, which he open with. Plain Pat was there too!

Ratatat on the other hand was interesting. They only played instramental songs, and a large portion of them I had never heard before. When they played their well known songs, everyone really dug it, but the songs that I didn't know seemed to drag on and get repedative. Also, they seemed a bit more housy/grungey live instead of the electronicy feel I get from their albums.

So the lesson is if you ever get the chance to see Kid CuDi live hop on it immediately, and if you get the chance to see Ratatat get drunk and go and it will be great!


D-ing in Omar's Room

Ive been using Maggie's MacBook Air for a while now and I am thouroughly enjoying it. This is quite an awesome piece of engineering. 1.86 Ghz Core 2 Duo, 2 gigs of RAM, GeForce 9400 M, 128 Gig Solid State Hard drive . Im super mons d. Its awesome. 

If you ever see someone with one of these definately check it out. Its so small yet so impressive. 

Andy Riley

Check out cartoonist Andy Riley. He is famous for his book "The Book of Bunny Suicides."

Unusual Houses

Here is are some cool selections from two collections of unusual houses on the blogs Abduzeedo and WebUrbanist. Really cool stuff.

Check them all out HERE and HERE


I came across a new up and coming band called ArtOfficial (typing that I just got the "artificial" pun). They are an infusion of Jazz, R&B, and Hip Hop. The recently released their first EP titled "Stranger." I have been groving to it for the last day or two.

I have hosted this EP HERE

Check it out!

I have a make up exam tomorrow for a math class that I haven't been to or done the homework in over 5 weeks..... I am in a world of shit.


So I missed a couple of days. My bad. I was being a super lazy D head. I have two exams on Thursday so I'll be browsing the internet a lot wasting time. That means more posts the next few days.

Here are some awesome songs that I found online. Both are by or feature KiD CuDi. He is definitely my favorite artist right now.

Fast Fact: Alcohol Impairs Judgment

The picture on the sign is hilarious. I want to steal this and put it in my house!

Lebron is Absurd

Watch this clip of Lebron James' interview on 60 minutes. How does he do this???

Cool Stop Motion Movie

Very good mortal combat like scene made with figures. It reminds me of Christian Baumbach's Zain Attack movie from high school. I remember that being the funniest thing ever.

This is Why I Love KiD CuDi

To Continue with the Art Theme

Let me introduce you to the art of flickr member iri5. His recent album titled "Ghost in the Machine" contains some really creative and awesome art. He takes the film from cassette tapes and forms it into a familiar image. Here are two examples of his art:

Jimi Hendrix:

Jim Morrison:

You can check out his entire album here on Flickr.

Hahaha Holy Figurine Fail!

Partners In Crime

Two German twins, both with past criminal records, have become suspects in a multi-million jewelry heist, but there is an interesting twist! DNA evidence has linked both of them to the crime, but due to their identical DNA, the police have no choice but to let them go.

Here an excerpt from the news article:

German law stipulates that each criminal must be individually proven guilty. The problem in the case of the O. brothers is that their twin DNA is so similar that neither can be exclusively linked to the evidence using current methods of DNA analysis. So even though both have criminal records and may have committed the heist together, Hassan and Abbas O. have been set free.

Here is the full article.

Will Prince

Will Prince is a 17 year old up and coming artist (Art, not music) who works have been seen on the hip-hop blog He claims to only use Microsoft Paint which is just amazing to think when you see what he can draw. Here are just a few of his works:

The Joker:

Kid Cudi:

Kanye West:

Pretty ill I must admit